Jan 2, 2025
Howl’s collections feature makes organizing large amounts of content a breeze. A collection is essentially a grouping of related content—whether it’s blog posts, products, or other items—that helps you keep track of everything in one place. Collections make it easy to manage and display content across different pages of your website, ensuring that your project remains organized and efficient.
When adding content to your project, you can choose between an index page or a detail page. The index page will display a list of all items in your collection, while the detail page shows content from individual items. This flexibility ensures that you can present your content in the most effective way for your users.
To add a page, simply navigate to the Pages tab, click the + button next to the CMS section, and choose the type of page you want to create. Whether it’s an index page or a detail page, Howl will automatically populate the page with data from your collection, allowing you to save time and focus on the creative aspects of your project.
With collections and pages, Howl streamlines the process of managing and displaying content, making it easy to organize and present your data in a way that suits your project.